Months of the Year

The seasons at the Charles Baber Cemetery are spectacular, with each season unique unto itself.  It is difficult to choose a favorite because each season is special. The combination of the wide variety of trees and shrubs along with the many styles, sizes, and shapes of the memorial markers, and the architectural design of the gothic chapel, the Egyptian Revival gateway entrance, the long stone wall, and the carriage house provide us with visual pleasures, tranquil surroundings, and nature at its best, no matter what season one comes to visit. The “seasons” link of the Charles Baber Cemetery presents the cemetery in a brush stroke of three months compressed together under one season.  It takes on a different aspect as if the cemetery itself was making the presentation.

However, in order to get a full appreciation of nature and the many happenings and seasonal changes occurring, an even better portrait is to look at the individual months. The “months” link of the Charles Baber Cemetery provides more detail and specifics as it moves from one month to the other. Each months varies and may include items about the trees, the flowers, the weather, the temperature, the workers, and the holidays and events. The pictures included are a wide variety of the different sections of the property, the many types of memorial markers, and the many tree species, and the stately Gothic chapel. A slight twist has been added to most months to give it a more personal touch by including a picture of someone’s dog being walked or perhaps a parent or grandparent with a toddler in a stroller or on a bicycle.  Read and enjoy!

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February  Click Here
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April  Click Here
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June  Click Here
July  Click Here
August  Click Here
September  Click Here
October  Click Here
November  Click Here
Thanksgiving Click Here
December  Click Here
Christmas  Click Here